Despite the drenching rain, four groups managed to finish the course without a dry piece of clothing.  ( “Soaked to the bone “! was one comment ) But that didn’t dampen the evening as over 60 men shared an excellent roast beef dinner and listened to an insightful talk by Pastor Warren Wiebe.

Warren talked about how Life is like golf.  Early in life is like being on the tee box.  The fairway is long and wide.  There are lots of choices.  The consequences of a bad drive or poor decision are usually not too bad. Your second shot / approach shot is similar to middle age.  You must be more accurate and the consequences of a poor decision (in life) can have more severe consequences.   You could end up in the water, a sand trap or thick rough around the green.   In mid life, a poor decision could bring you financial ruin, a divorce or poor health. When you’re on the green and putting is like your finishing/golden years on earth.   You need to be very focused on the goal of (eternal life).  You must be accurate, in direction and effort to sink your putt and you must keep your eyes and mind focused on Heaven and Jesus as we draw close to the finish of our lives.
Thank-you Pastor Warren


“The Eagle has Landed” are the New Champs!

The Eagle has Landed    L-R :(Carter Lautner, Paul Erickson)

A brand new 2 man entry (not planned…we blew it) “The Eagle has Landed” came in with a final score of -4. Congratulations Carter and Paul!

Best Team Name  “Over the Hill Gang”

Thanks to our sponsors and Mulligan funds we are planning to purchase the “Conquer Series” for anyone interested as a forerunner to the Pure Desire Conference in March 2020

Pure Desire Men’s Conference

Click Here to Look or Register

Our Next Event is Steak Night at the Hotel Blackfoot Tuesday October 16 with Frank Moody as our guest speaker (More details to follow)

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